
Friday, July 12, 2013

Post Mortem Exam 3rd Year : Day 2

Community Medicine

I slept only for 2 hours. If i'm not mistaken. But, i'm glad i had finished whatever target that i want to achieve within one day of studying. More than 70 slides spotters, epidemiological cases, exercises on statistics and so on.  I didn't read the theory part because i am depending on what i have read last two weeks during my theory exams. Anyways, i've got plenty of  time to study while waiting for others to finish their viva. I'm somewhat contented of becoming among the last in a row. Any exams will give that extra time to study and gained something from the ones who have the honour to answer first.

So far, i think i did good. Alhamdulillah.

8.30 am- Went to Y Hospital. Waited at lobby. Said on third floor. Went up by foot. Saw no one there. Text my friend, said its not in hospital. Fast paced walk to college building. Climbed three floors before seeing the others. Waited  while sweating profusely.

9.00am- We sat and waited. A chubby looking invigilator came with answer sheets. We filled in our details. 3 sets of papers were given. One for Medico social case, epidemiological case, and spotters.45 minutes were given to answer epidemiological case. I did okay. Forgot the IMR,MMR,CBR values but it was okay. Then, we had spotters. 1 half minutes for each spotter. I answered all. Alhamdulillah. Then, we were told to pick a random paper with patients name and department. I was the first one to pick and i chose the paper which was thrown out of its group. Alhamdulillah again i got paediatric case. Razika,14 year old. We were told to get back to the hall by 11.40am.Owh, plenty of time to take case. :)

10.45am- Rushed to the  hospital straight to 8th floor. Climb becaused waiting for the lift took so much time. Again, sweating profusely upon arriving the deparment. The kid looked flustered and giggled a bit when she saw sweat dripping from my forehead. I looked aroud and there is no one to help me. So i did the examinations first making sure nothing was left. Yes, i did learnt my lesson yesterday. No findings because she was healthy and was about to get discharged. I took  the history by my self even though there is language barrier. I'm thankful because the kid was able to speak little english and i was able to memorize little Kannada.we complement each other.Ngee. (^_^) So, i scribbled on some A$ paper and rushed to the hall 3 minutes away from the hospital. Again, walking from 8th floor down to the third floor up. Arrived with sweating again. Searched a seat directly under a fan. Wrote the case in the answer paper. was told to shift to lecture hall 5. It has air conditioning. Alhamdulillah, i need it so much. Allah, your blessing never end.

11.40am- Case presentation started. I was the last to go. I had a female examiner and she didn't ask much. Only Investigations and treatment of malaria. Any variations in fever grades...She asked why not typhoid ? What differentiates between typhoid and malaria fever? What test to be done in typhoid? How to prevent typhoid?Then, she let me go. Alhamdulillah, it was clean and satisfacory.

1.00pm-Theory viva started. there three examiners altogether. I waited too long and managed to read the book. I just flipped through all the pages quickly as if i can read like Superman. Heheh...(-__-)"

Examiner 1 : Looked hard at the topics to be question and later he came up with ,
 What is sewage disposal types? I answered and he seemed satisfied although i hesitated a bit. Then, he asked "What is incineration?". I was bewildered but answered anyway. Then, the bell rang.
Examiner 2 : The female lady was there yawning. Already sleepy due to rain or maybe she is just so hungry.
Name some Polio Programs. What is Oral Polio vaccine? How does it transfer? What is Intensified Pulse Polio? How to prevent transmission?
Examiner 3 : Its my Head of the department in our college. First thing he asked was," how was your paper? You think you can pass this time?" I said, it was good and i think i can pass with a smile. Then he proceed with the questions. What caught me was his question about if given a choice to work in hospital or in PHC with same salary which one i would choose? I said, " Sir, i would love to go where i was needed. There is more self satisfaction. Anyways, i'm using peoples money to  study and its time for me to give back to community."He agreed and question of my intention so as to impress him by choosing helping the poor and needy. I clarified my intention and he smiled. Alhamdulillah, with that i was let go.

What is emporiatics? what is ergonomics? Which chapter is it? Define Primary health center. What is Multi Purpose worker? What is Mudeliar Committee?  

p/s: The theory part was so random. I t could be anything. Bye, gotta go break fasting. 


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