Ocular pharmacotherapeutics can be delivered by four methods:
- topical instillation into the conjunctival sac,
- periocular injections,
- intraocular injections and
- systemic administration
a)Topical instillation
Eye ointment increases the bioavailability of the drug by increasing tissue contact time and by preventing dilution and quick absorption.
Ocusert is a system of drug delivery through a membrane. These can be placed in the upper or lower fornix up to a week and allow a drug to be released at a relatively constant rate. Pilocarpine ocuserts have been found very useful in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma; by efficiently controlling intraocular pressure with comparatively fewer side-effects.
b)Periocular injections
These include :
- subconjunctival,
- sub-Tenon,
- retrobulbar and
- peribulbar injections.
Subconjunctival injections. These are commonly used to achieve higher concentration of drugs.
Further, the drugs which cannot penetrate the cornea owing to large-sized molecules can easily pass through the sclera.
Further, the drugs which cannot penetrate the cornea owing to large-sized molecules can easily pass through the sclera.
Posterior sub-Tenon injections are indicated in patients with intermediate and posterior uveitis .
Retrobulbar injection: These are used to deliver drugs for optic neuritis, papillitis, posterior uveitis and also for administering retrobulbar block anaesthesia.
concentration at the target tissue.
These include:
- intracameral injection (into the anterior chamber),
- intravitreal injection (into the vitreous cavity)
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