
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ENT : # 2 OPeration Theatre Day (OT)

Setiap hari Isnin, Rabu dan Jumaat, Pukul 10 hingga 1 tengahhari, Unit saya ada kelas di Operation Theatre atau nama glemer dia OT yang letaknya ditingkat satu bangunan utama Hospital K.S.Hegde yang tersergam Indah di ceruk kampung Deralakatte ini. Pagi-pagi lagi lepas habis kelas theori kat Kolej, kami pun naek bus sekolah ke Hospital. Sebenarnya boleh jerk nak jalan kaki, tapi, BAYU malaslah nak berpeluh-peluh.Nanti berlengas bila dah sampai sana , nak belajar dengar lecture tak ade konsentrasi pula.

Nilah bus kodok nyer..Kena bersempit-sempit dengan juniors lah..Adei, Naseb baek lah kejap aje.

Ni gambar dari dalam bus. Tak de kerja la katekan.  Tengok tanah berdebu merah. Sekarang musim kering. Rumput yang ada akar pender semua mati. Tingal pokok yang ada akar tunjang je hidup. Debu kalau kena tiup angin, memang masuk mata. Kalau hari beristi'lah( dlam Arab= Korek Hidung), bahan galian memang bukan hijau dah, kaler oren merah-merah aje..

Ni Bayu curik-curik ambek ambek dari dalam OT. Doktor PG nih tengah buat myringotomy = sedut cecair dalam telinga. Patient nih ada  perforation dalam telinga dia. So, doktor tampal lah lubang tu. Yang buat surgery selalu otai-otai aje. Bila tang finishing suture, Dr kecil-kecilan yang habiskan kerja .Jahit balik lka tue. BTW, sebelum telinga di potong, cuping tue,di tolak ke depan, buat incision belakang telinga dan barulah masukkan microknife dalam lubang telinga.

Bilik sebelah kiri tue, tempat kami tukar baju.

Inilah OT nyer...


Amek gambar kenang-kenangan...yang pink tu selipar saya ok.?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

OBG : END Posting for 6th term !!!

Yeay..Hurray.!!! Alhamdulillah....
OBG posting telah tamat...

Semasa sesi viva dan case presentation..

kami unit 2 dikehendaki untuk membentangkan dua kes..

Satu kes gynaecology, satu kes Obstetrik...

So, dapat pulak lecturer yg super nice..*sengeh*

Sebab takyah tension sangat kena prepare depan cegu yg GARANG...hihih...

So, nak tau ape soalan yang saya kena jawap?

Gynae case..

Saya dapat patient yang datang dengan chief complaint of lower abdominal pain on left side,pricky type of pain,non radiating, intermittent pain , localised to left iliac fossa since 2 month.

Sir : What is menorhagia ? 
Me :  *confidently* Sir, increased duration and amount of bleeding with regular cycle.
Sir : Okay, in your mind, what do the patient have associating with lower abdominal pain which is localised on one side? 
Me : Sir, its ovarian cyst, tubal pregnancy....*silence*
Sir : *angguk2*..Okayh, what is metrorhagia? what is intermitttent bleeding?
Me : Damm!! Aku tak terbaca pula definition kecik2 nih..Adey aii...Tulah,skip lagik bile study...Cegu dah kate dah, don't do selective study. tulah, tidooo jerk tau...
Sir : what is polymenorhea and oligomenorhea..
Me : Polymenorhea is increased in episodes of bleeding which have less than 21 days. Oligomenorhea is reduced mensrtuation period which have less than 41 days cycle..

OBG case

Chief complaint : She came with pain abdomen at 36th week and was admitted for safe confinement.

Sir : Name the condition she's having..
Me : erm...ermm...
Sir : okayh, Name conditions that can cause menorhagia..
Me : placenta previa, abrupture placenta,endometrial hyperplasia,pelvic inflammatory disease, bleeding disordes, thyroid diseases, contraceptions like IUCD..
Sir: Define placenta previa...and abrupture placenta..
Me : Placenta previa is abnormal implantation of placenta near the lower segment of uterus.. Abrupture placenta is premature separation of placenta causing bleeding.
sir : Name the symptoms of fibroid mass..(sambil tunjuk sebelah tgn,jari diturun bila dpt jawap)
me : erm..Abdominal distention, menorhagia, decreased micturation, fatigue,anemia..errr.errr..(fuhh, tgal satu jarik tk turun..tak igt ape ntah jawapn sir kasik..)
Sir : Okayh,what is the problem in this patient suffering from pain during 36th week..
Me : * kedip-kedip* I have no clue..
Sir : okay, what is abortion ? Tell me typed of abortion...
Me : Sambil buat high five tu, satu-satu jari dia trunkan..Okay, Missed abortion, complete,incomplete,septic,threatened abortion..
Sir : * muka puas hati* Okay, what is the period of viability ?
Me : 28 weeks sir.
Sir : So, she's having pain at 36 week.  Does she have a threatened abortion.
Me : Ermm..Yes ?
Sir : *geleng-geleng*. Then, what is term pregnancy ?
Me : Pregnancy of more than 37 weeks.
Sir : so?
Me  : * yes?* 
Sir : She is having pain right now. What do we call if pregnancy occur before 37 weeks?
Me : preterm, sir..
Sir : So, if she is having before 37 weeks, means what?
Me : err..err..
Sir : she's having preterm labour. That why she is having the pain right now..
Me : owhhh..
Sir : Can you name other conditions where mothers get painful abdomen?
Me : Uterine mass,placenta previa,abrupture placenta, err..err..*stuck*
Sir : okayh, you can go...

Pastu, terus lah aku keluar dari bilik examintion room. 

saya bagi diri sendiri 7/10

p/s : Kesimpulan, sila rajen bertanya apa yang cegu suke tanya untuk viva. Ribuan terima kasih kepada kak nora and Kak Ayu kerna sudi menumpangkan bayu kat rumah untuk study. Walaupun banyak borak dari study, tapi berbaloi jugak dpat sleep over kat rumah korang. (*v*)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

OBG : Persediaan untuk END POSTING.

Khamis, 3 February 2011

 I will do as follows.

  • Finish writing my history case sheet i  took at KSHEMA
  • Go and study at someone's house ( tak tau lagik sape yang bertuah tue...)
  • Prepare my weapon for end posting  - stethoscope,measuring tape, ironed white coat, brunch !!!
  • Solat hajat for bravery and smoothness during viva- Ladies in OBG are FURIOUS !!!
  • Mental preparation in front of mirror...(Eh ?Ahaha...kenalah practice depan cermin sket..Gagap kang nnti sape yang susah???)
Friday,4th february 2011

I will be as follows :

  • Fresh and energetic
  • Positive and Optimistic ( same la tue sayang oii)
  • Smeel good and looking good( hempuk bedak banyak-banyak kat muka, tauk perfume sket kasik wangi,jangan sampai harum semerbak bak puteri bunian sudeyyy...terkejut baby dalam perut...Ingat bunian lawo mane nak culik dia dari rahim mak dia...K jangan, mane tau baby nih pandai silat? Eh, bukan..Silambam ker.. )
  • Feel good and controllable pressure..( Tekanan positif itu penting!Kalau lepak sangat nanti tak alert..!)

Selamat berjaya diucapkan kepada diri sendiri. Sabar dan tabahkan hati...Amin
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